Monday, January 14, 2013

Signs of Growth

Change is the only constant, as the saying goes. Nothing is ever static, unmoved, unchanged. Even things that appear unchanged have in fact changed. I recently read an article stating that the kilogram, an international standard of measurement, has gained some weight over the years. Because of the need for precision in scientific studies it was necessary to have a standard by which everything else had to measure up and over the years the original 40 prototypes of the kilogram have beefed up, by tens of micrograms to be precise. Even while just sitting in an airtight container the prototypes still manage to collect dust and other forms of contamination and so they need to be cleaned periodically to regain their former figure.

I think it is easy within religious circles to be anti-change. Much like scientists need something static and precise in order to do their research there are many within Christendom that rely heavily on a static and predictable God and a static and unchanging Bible in order for them do their own type of research. Unfortunately nothing could be further from the truth. If anything the creator God we see at work in scripture is unpredictable and constantly on the move. Just when you think you’ve got a handle on how God works and through whom God works there is another lesson to be learned. And while it may seem easy to look at the Bible and view it as something unchanged over the centuries we have to consider things like Hebrews 4:12 which describes the word of God as ‘living and active’.

The Christian life ought to be characterized by tremendous change but a particular kind of change: Growth. All growth is change but not all change is growth. Change can be a sign of growth and maturity but not always. This past summer I watched as the cornfields here in Illinois became brown and withered. If it had been late September or early October I would have seen it as a sign that the seasons were changing as fall was on its way but this was July and what I was seeing was a sever drought taking its toll. Growth, however, is always characterized by life, new birth. I find the contrast between the fruit of the Spirit and the acts of the sinful nature in Galatians 5:16-26 helpful. There are things characteristic of change heading toward death and there are things characteristic of change heading toward life.

In 1 Corinthians we read what Paul has to say in dealing with a very unhealthy church. In chapter 3 he simply calls them infants and says that he had to give them milk because they couldn’t handle solid food. The implication here is that at some point they are supposed to get the solid food. They are supposed to grow up. But as we see throughout the rest of his letter they are far from it and he points to specific characteristics of the church to show that they are not ‘growing in the grace and knowledge of Christ’. A man is sleeping with his father’s wife, there are issues about food sacrificed to idols, people are exalting some spiritual gifts over others, and then there are people eating and drinking everything while leaving others hungry and thirsty. Andy Stanley, pastor of North Point Community Church in Atlanta, stated in one of his messages that things like swimming in the kiddie pool, wearing a diaper, or drinking from a baby bottle are totally acceptable behaviors……….for BABIES! There comes a point where Christians need to get out of the kiddie pool at church, start chewing on some solid food beyond John 3:16 and put on their big boy/girl pants as they quit crawling and start walking in step with the Spirit. (Galatians 5:25)

Looking back over the past 21 years as a follower of Christ I can say that there have been many changes along the way. There are many beliefs that have been changed or shaped through a variety of life experiences, through things that I encounter in scripture or things that I think God reveals in His own way. All of these together have drawn me closer to Him while also drawing me closer to those I share this spinning globe with.

How are you growing in Christ? What are some areas where you are seeing signs of life? Are there areas experiencing drought? One more thing about hanging out in the kiddie pool: People rarely stay there by themselves. An adult in the kiddie pool stands out like a sore thumb unless it is filled with adults. Paul found a whole church full of them! Who are the mature adults that you are or ought to be treading water with?

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